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1/2 Year Declaration 2019 - Part 2 of 2

Min. Juanita E. L. Cameron


It is with the mouth that confession is made, and within the tongue (or on the tongue) lies life and death - we have the power to speak life or to speak death.

I've come to learn that one of the secret weapons the rich, whole/healthy, the thriving person uses is thinking positively about oneself and speaking positive affirmations to oneself - regularly until it becomes part of his/her nature. Daily, there are things we think about ourselves, and those thoughts become our words, and those words become our actions, and those actions become our habits, and those habits help shape our legacy (good or bad).

Today, on this 21st day of June, I am encouraging you to start each day, for the rest of 2019 with good, positive thoughts and affirmations about yourself. Especially since God, says, He has good thoughts towards you (and me) and not for evil, in Jeremiah 29:11 -- do likewise, have good thoughts towards yourself and others around or who you come into contact with.

Print this post, place it beside your night stand or your mirror (where you get ready in the mornings before work or nights before sleeping) and confess them daily. You can say Part 1 in the morning and Part 2 in the evening -- whatever you do, affirm yourself with these confessions.

Just before we get to the confessions of what God has in store for your best year yet, if you do not know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, then saying these would be just positive words that keep your morale high for a moment and then you can come crashing down, when things get rough. This is why you (and I) need Jesus to reside inside of us, so that greater can come out from us - since He (Jesus) the Greater One resides within. So say this simple prayer with me to accept Jesus as your savior and let Him be the BEST GOD you've ever encountered:

Dear Jesus,

I acknowledge that I am a sinner, forgive me of my sins, wash me in your blood and make me whole by the stripes on your back, deliver me from evil and set me free. I ask you Jesus to come into my life and take control of me, guide me into all truths, and help me to experience the joys, power, freedom and love of God, today.


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Now that you've accepted Jesus - I'd love to hear from you and support you in prayer, write to me and share your testimony. I look forward to rejoicing with you.


Confessions & Declarations for THE BEST (remainder of) 2019 - PART 2

adapted from Apostle John Eckhardt 2019 Confessions

The best is STILL yet to come ... Thank you Abba Father that in the remaining months of 2019, I will walk in the best seasons of my life, so far. Today, I release my faith for the best for the rest of this year. My worst years, months, weeks and days are behind me. I serve the God of the best. My God is The Best, and He gives me the best. My God knows what is best for me and I shall have the BEST 2019.

SAY WITH ME ... (and insert your name when confessing these declarations daily).

For the rest of 2019, I decree and declare (part 2):

  1. I will make the best choices.

  2. My God teaches me to profit, and leads me in the way I should go.

  3. My finances will be the best.(×2)

  4. I will enjoy God’s best.

  5. I will eat the finest of the wheat.

  6. I will make the best decisions.

  7. I will walk in the best paths.

  8. I will enjoy fatness and marrow in the house of the Lord.

  9. I will have the best relationships.

  10. I will receive the best blessings.

  11. I will give the Lord my best [If I want God's best, I must give him my very best continually]

  12. I will give him my best praise.

  13. I will give him my best worship.

  14. I will give him my best service.

  15. I will receive the best ministry.

  16. I will give the best offerings.

  17. I will have the best sleep and rest.

  18. My thinking will be the best.

  19. My speaking will be the best.

  20. I will understand things that are excellent.

2019 will be one of the best years of my life.(×4)

In Jesus Name,



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God bless you this month and always, xoxo - Miss JelC 🌹 Min. Juanita E. L. Cameron


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