It's been a moment since we last connected and that's changing - it's a new norm.
Talking about a new norm, sheesh, it's as if we have been playing catch up in the world after this covid-19 pandemic leveled the playing fields.
So much has been lost due to the prevailing pandemic - lives, businesses closed down, income cuts, insurance cancelled, food shortage; cost of living increased but wages haven't increased to commensurate with the rising costs; oh boy, need I go on? It's been bad, but thankfully I am a SURVIVOR of this covid-19 pandemic and will live to tell the tale for generations to come. I pray that you reading this blog will also.
Some very special things happened for me, despite the challenges of 2020 - closing my business brick and mortar location - that was very stressful; being locked down; being without health insurance and nervous about catching covid-19 and unable to go to the hospital; disappointments all around - God has been faithful and spared my life to see another year alive and well.
HIP HIP HOORAY ... It's the dawning of my own personal new year!
In a matter of weeks, I turn over a new leaf and enter another new year of life and a fresh start to fulfill destiny.
By the grace of God - really, it's only by His grace and mercy I am here, so I still have purpose to fulfill - I gave birth to an idea that was planted in me from 2014: ROSE LIFE ENRICHMENT ACADEMY and the first program is "Reclaiming Generational Blessings, Honor, & Order" through the Curse Breaker Squad program.
It's all about Breaking Generational Curses and Accessing Bloodline Blessings through prayer, fasting, meditation and affirmations in Jesus Name.
Join the Squad's Inspirational Channel today and be spurred on to activate your destiny.
This month, brings the 3rd quarter of 2022 to an end, but it opens up to many more possibilities for the rest of this Double Blessings Year after 2 years of loss and hardship.
So, no matter where you are on accomplishing your dreams, on today ...
DECLARE YOURSELF loved, appreciated, celebrated, respected, healed & healthy, favored, honored and most definitely cared for by Abba Father.
It took me a moment, but I got here eventually and now more than ever I feel WORTHY OF MY DREAMS. Solomon, the wisest man to ever live wrote in his book Proverbs chapter 13 and verse 12 - hope deferred makes the heart grow sick, but when desire comes (dreams come through) it is like a tree of life. A lot of dreams were deferred and hopes were dashed, but thank God desire comes.
Today, I want you to also feel worthy of your dreams.
Let's take action to implement this declaration by the following positive self-talk:
➡️ I am worthy of my dreams. I have big dreams and I expect to achieve these dreams. I have earned the right to expect great things to happen in my life. If I do my part, I know I can achieve my goals and expectations.
➡️ I deserve for good things to happen in my life. I am considerate of others and treat everyone with the respect they deserve. I am a loving friend and family member. I have the best interests of others at heart.
➡️ I do the work each day necessary to deserve success. I work hard and with focus.
I am clear on what I desire and do the work required to make my dreams a reality.
➡️ I have big goals and expectations that are congruent with my abilities. I review my goals regularly and allow myself to get excited at the prospect of achieving them. I have detailed goals and plans to make them happen.
➡️ I am deserving. My strengths and skills are sufficient to achieve my dreams. I am motivated and capable. I am worthy of my dreams.
➡️I hold myself accountable. I live up to the commitments I make to myself whether it is cutting back on calories or completing my college degree or following my passion/dreams.
➡️I tell only trusted friends going in the same direction as me about my plans; who will check in on me, so I am more likely to stick to them.
No matter what happens this month or even this year, BREAK THE CYCLE of PROCRASTINATION by your declarations of positive affirmations and by taking faith steps.
Today, as I reflect on my last month of being 38, I remind myself of why my dreams are appropriate for the person I am becoming each day. I have the confidence needed to be successful in the pursuit of my goals. Be encouraged, you too, are worthy of your dreams, and it's never too late to dream again.
Here are 3 Self-Reflection Questions I want you to think about and journal the answers as a NOTE TO SELF:
What are my biggest goals and my plans to achieve them?
Am I willing to do the work required to be successful in achieving my goals?
What steps do I take each day to make my dreams a reality?
Listennnn ... I am am the #CurseBreaker Your #Bloodline has been waiting for - and so are you in your #Bloodline!
May your be wrapped in the protective arms of Jesus and receive strength to keep reclaiming your rightful blessings, honor upon your name and destiny order.
Want to be MOTIVATED and SUPPORTED in Prayer with one to one ENCOURAGEMENT?
XO - Ms. Juanita E.L. Cameron
Miss JelC 🌹✊🏽
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