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How I Attract Positive Change in My Life Through Gratitude

Make an effort to be grateful for what you already have so that you can attract more good things into your life.

Gratitude on a regular basis is a potent force multiplier that can help you rocket towards a better tomorrow. The act of being grateful is not, however, a magic bullet. Nothing will change on the outside as a result of this. But what it can do is provide you access to new possibilities.

It's possible that you'll develop an attitude of abundance as you come to appreciate the many gifts already in your life. This can put you in an optimistic frame of mind.

This shift occurs when you start to feel grateful for all the good things in your life and start sharing that gratitude with others.

Listen 🔊🔊🔊 Allow Yourself To Be Open to Prosperity and Abundance

One of the first ways I started to allow myself to see me prosper was by counting my blessings in what I call my BLESSOMETER - yes, I made that up. It my thankfulness notebook where I record and measure the good things that have happened and are happening in my life. So start there by having a thankfulness notebook, it's a wonderful approach to become more appreciative of the blessings in your life. Don't get hung up in waiting for the big stuff or major dreams to be fulfilled before you can see reasons to be thankful. It's not necessary to wait for something extraordinary to happen before you can enjoy it. Instead, once a day, get out your journal and jot down three things for which you are grateful. I do mine in the morning or sometimes in the evening, but I never the day, week or month end without a recorded expression of gratitude.

Just know that feeling grateful or appreciative isn't limited to major life events.

Even on days when you feel like there's nothing to be grateful for, it might help to remind yourself of the tiny things in life. Consider the food you have on hand and the air you are breathing. You'll be able to think of more and more blessings in your life once you embrace the idea that you have a lot for which to be thankful. I keep a physical gratitude journal and on the go, I have a virtual gratitude journal. I have found journaling over the year to be very therapeutic. Nowadays, when I stumble upon an old journal or notebook, I pause to read about my journey during that time and I'm in awe at how much I've grown. Sometimes they are great flashbacks that help me to maintain my grateful disposition.

If you keep a notebook in this manner for a few weeks, you will start experiencing random bouts of joy, cheer, rejoicing and "good vibes". You'll even begin to notice a mental shift in the way you respond to stressful situations and triggers. Eventually and what used to trigger you, will begin to have less power to move you.

Some self-proclaimed experts or gurus attribute one's good fortune to the power of positive vibrations. Instead, I believe it has more to do with mindfulness conditioning to see opportunities for gratitude in every circumstance as part of divine providence.  Such that you are convinced consciously and subconsciously that you have a plethora of aundance at your disposal. I mean, why not? Do it [routinely express gratitude for abundance] because you're deserving.

The Attitude of Gratitude: A Powerful Instrument

One of the first steps in becoming a more resilient person is practicing gratitude. In the face of adversity, a grateful attitude can serve as a shield. Think about what you have rather than what you don't.

In an article titled "Counting Blessings vs Burdens: An Experimental Investigation of Gratitude and Subjective Well-being in Daily Life," researchers discovered that people who kept a positive outlook on life benefited more from it physically and mentally. The results of the study suggest that practicing thankfulness daily can boost confidence levels. As a bonus, it makes people less likely to be materialistic, envious, and self-absorbed. Practicing gratitude is a great way to build stronger bonds with others and increase your social capital. Those who regularly show appreciation are viewed more favorably than those who don't.

Another body of research suggests that the more grateful you are, the more likely you are to expand rather than contract in the face of adversity. Keeping in mind all the blessings in your life is a great way to ease tension. Your newfound self-assurance will be seen by others as you tackle stressors head-on. When taken together, these factors open up doors of possibility you might not have otherwise seen. Keeping a gratitude notebook or journal is a great way to relieve stress.

My encouragement to you is this - allow yourself to receive good abundance by practicing GRATITUDE . You won't regret it at all!

Here's a tool I use to be able to be more intentional about your gratitude lifestyle. It's a free planner page.

Download “My Gratitude Confession” ©️2022 Juanita E. L. Cameron

Much love, grace and peace,

Juanita E. L. Cameron 🌹

xoxo - Miss JelC


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