A Little Musing:
Today, we were snowed in here and couldn't physically go to church, but thank God for increasing knowledge of man, we have technology.
As I studied Isaiah 40 - God The Helper of Israel, Holy Spirit downloaded some #SoaringHigher2019 directions.
Join me on facebook LIVE at 5pm EST for A Lighthouse Moment with my Daddy / Pastor, and General Overseer of Lighthouse Ministries International, Rev. Oswen Cameron, PhD via our church's page www.facebook.com/LHMI.MD.
See you soon,
XOXO - Min. JelC 🌹

P.s. Post your prayer requests in the comments section below the blog or send in via Lighthouse Facebook Fan page and we will lift them up to heaven in prayer.
#SoaringHigher2019 add this hashtag to your posts and we will see them.
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