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Happy New Month - June 2018

Juanita E. L. Cameron

Uncommon Open Doors of Manifestations of The Holy Spirit: TIME UP!

Focus Scripture: 1 Corinthians 14:2,5,39-40; Zephaniah 3:9-20 and Psalm 33.

The Holy Spirit helps us to commune with God and reveals mysteries to us. We therefore must seek the indwelling of The Holy Spirit in our everyday life. We are all works in progress, in as much as we are under attack, so we have to change our Strategies and switch up our warfare tactical weapons.

Our weapons of warfare are not carnal, inclusive of but not limited to:

1. Helmet of Salvation - we must repent, be forgiven and saved from Sim and self

2. The Word of God - our sword

3. Absolute Faith in God - our shield and defense, for when we have faith, we please our Defender

4. A war cry or code language - tongues aka mysterious language and prophesy

5. Discernment - knowledge AND understanding of the devices, Strategies and tricks of the enemy and his agents

Let's gear up tonight and set the rest of the year in motion by completing this second quarter and first half of this year (2018) experiencing the various manifestations of The Holy Spirit: TIME UP!

So I want to lead us to pray in two parts.

First is thanksgiving, thanking God for bringing us this far, thanking Him for the testimonies that were shared based on last month's focus: Restful Confidence; now it's time for us to quicken ourselves and push back the forces of darkness trying to harass the people of God from moving forward in this year. We will do in the second part through the activation of the warfare weapon of speaking, declaring and prophesying. 1 Corinthians 14:2 shows us a secret weapon of speaking in the Spirit - the mysteries (inner cries of our heart and spirit) can be understood only by the Spirit of God. Then 1 Corinthians 14: 5 tells us the importance of prophecy and albeit the greater benefit we can experience when we prophesy (speaking to our future and setting the direction for our lives) to our situations, life, generations past, present and future to unfailing promises of God.

God is a good father who gives us only good gifts and the plan of the enemy is to make us shrink back, block our gifts or give up ... But TONIGHT we are serving the devil and his agents EVICTION notices = TIME UP!

So we will PRAY tonight with Psalms 33 (1st) and Zephaniah 3:9-20 (2nd).

Testimony: After studying 1 Corinthians 14 and Zephaniah 3 last week, I put in to practice what I learned. I spoke to a growth on my left upper eyelid, that was beginning to affect my eye and develop pus. Daily, and a couple times in the day, I would curse it, command it to dry up at the root, wither up and die restoring my original skin. I took some photos to track this testimony. My brother and sister witnessed me speaking to this unwelcome affliction (which could be a problem, lack of finances, troubled child, lack of child, need for help, closed doors, sickness etc.) with the Word as I sharpened my faith. Then by Friday, I said to worry, you will NOT overtake me, my faith shall remain steady, and I further challenged myself by giving this afflictive challenge a timeline.

Tonight, I am here with 2 testimonies: 1. God still hears and answers - my first prayer from this beginning of this year, was and still is for help from above to back me up with signs, wonders, mysteries uncovered accompanied by manifestations of the very things and practices I teach/pray/preach about to start with me.

2. By faith my answer of restoration from this affliction will come at the appointed time that I have given to it; was the second prayer request. If Elijah could say according to his word -- that happens only from a faith that is totally reliant on God; a confidence in God that He will not let His servant be put to shame as powerless; then so can I speak the word.

After all, Jehovah Jireh provides ALL that we need to speak to our Mountains (situations or circumstances or setbacks or rejection or delays etc.) to be made leveled (flat) or cast into the sea. Today, I have received answers to BOTH of those prayers. The growth dried up, my skin color restored and this happened within the timeline I gave it. This came for me as a necessary boost for my faith and a proof of God's hands on my life and ministry and service in His Kingdom – The Holy Spirit IS my Helper.


So tonight, I am led to lead you to pray the following prayer points as the Holy Spirit has led me based on the Prayer Focus scriptures above. By faith we shall REJOICE this month – TIME UP for weeping, we've made it to the half way point, time to reap, time to harvest, time to bloom, time to blossom.

June Month's Prayer Points

  1. Wherever I go this month, may favor overshadow my life, in Jesus Name.

  2. This month, every power driving against me shall run mad, in Jesus Name.

  3. In this month, TIME UP, Goliath shall somersault and collapse dead in the Name of Jesus.

  4. This month, I serve the devil and his agents eviction notices – TIME UP for: his schemes; delays; discouragement tactics; his lies and deceptive traps; rejection; disfavor and abandonment; destruction of my joy; devastation of my present; theft of my happiness; frustration of my plans; unwelcome and unnecessary struggles with my finances; fear and distrust for The Lord God – Jehovah Ezer my Helper SHALL sustain me according to Psalm 55:22 "cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you" and Psalm 121 – ALL of my help comes from above – from The Lord who reigns on high.

  5. Lord speak for me and command the month of June to bring me breakthroughs in uncommon ways and divine uncommon open door harvests, for your eyes are upon me; I fear you, and my hope is in your unfailing love. You shall deliver me from death and keep me alive in spite of any challenge this month by divine direction.

  6. In this month of June, Oh Lord, keep deceitful tongues and arrogant boasters from among us that we may be considered as part of the restored remnant of Israel who trust in your Name and are helped. In Jesus Name. Amen


June Month's Declaration

So let us with more vivid and fervor pray the Zephaniah Chapter 3:9-20

If you want to know what God wants you to do - ask Him, and He will gladly tell you. James 1:5 ... Let us ask now by way of these declarations:

  1. Abba Father, help me to recognize and accept that some doors that you do not open for me are nothing short of divine protection, preservation and prevention from destruction and wrong timing. Keep me safely tucked away from every strange door of the enemy.

  2. Month of June, hear the Word of the Lord, favor me with divine uncommon opened doors, in Jesus Name.

  3. Oh month of June, in the Name of Jesus, hear me now and bring me success at every turn and in every way.

  4. I speak to every affliction against my life and wellbeing this month – be it, mental wellbeing, spiritual wellbeing, emotional wellbeing, relational wellbeing, financial wellbeing, commercial wellbeing etc. -- TIME UP, scatter by fire in the Mighty Name of Jesus. For the Lord my God is with me, HE is mighty to save. He takes great delight in me and quiets me in His love. (Zephaniah 3:17)

  5. Every gathering of evil doers and wicked planters against my seeds sown in this month and before, by the fire and power of the Holy Spirit, I command you to be exposed and scattered in the Name of Jesus.

  6. Powers sent on assignment to render me spiritually impotent and weak in the natural, this month, DIE in the Name of Jesus.

  7. Oh God of King David, arise, defeat my enemies, revive me and refresh me in this month of June, in Jesus Name.

  8. In this month of June, Jehovah Gibor will deal severely with all who have oppressed me (us), He will save me (us) when I am weak (we are weak) and helpless; for God will bring all the fragmented pieces of my life together in wholeness (bring us together in unity) and restoration.

  9. Jehovah Ezer, shall hear us when we pray this month, and give glory and fame to us in every place where we have been mocked and shamed, in Jesus Name. In you, O Lord, do we put our trust and confidently take refuge; let us never be put to shame and confusion again, according to Psalm 71:1; in Jesus Name. (Zephaniah 3:19)

  10. Holy Spirit, in this month of June, fill us (me) up till we (I) overflow in the spirit realm, opening the eyes of our (my) understanding to see the hidden treasures You have laid up for us (me) in the natural and guide us (me) into all truths.

  11. On this day, June 6, 2018 - for the rest of this month, and year God shall gather our church (branches and affiliates) together and give us a good name – a name of distinction and honor among all the nations of the earth; in Jesus Name. (Zephaniah 3:20)

  12. Abba Father, creator of this universe and all things good; who is faithful to all Your promises, and loving toward all You have made; shall RESTORE the fortunes of our leaders – (Overseer, Associate Pastor, Minister, Elders, Deacons/Deaconesses, Lay Leaders, Branch Pastor/Leaders, Affiliate Pastors, families, relatives) – our church, our businesses and our lives before our very eyes, this month in Jesus Name. (Psalm 145:13)



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God bless you this month and always,

XOXOX - Minister Juanita Cameron aka Miss JelC

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