Ready For Battle 'cus I've already WON

Scripture: Psalm 109 1 God of my praise, do not be silent. 2 For wicked and deceitful mouths open against me; they speak against me with lying tongues. 17 He loved cursing — let it fall on him; he took no delight in blessing — let it be far from him. 18 He wore cursing like his coat — let it enter his body like water and go into his bones like oil. 20 Let this be the Lord ’s payment to my accusers, to those who speak evil against me. 21 But You, Yahweh my Lord, deal kindly with me because of Your name; deliver me because of the goodness of Your faithful love. 26 Help me, Lord my God; save me according to Your faithful love.

Meditation: There is safety in covenant. The Covenant Keeper's desires towards are meant in faithful love. Accusors have an expiry date, and it is after God has dealt kindly with me, so deal with me today, bless me and raise me up, that mine accusers see You at work.

Prayer: Remember Me For Good Amidst My Accusers and Silence Them
Oh Covenant Keeping God, remember me for good. Remember my family for good, rememberer of People, remember us. Do not let our accusers continue to speak lies, they curse us and wish us for dead, even when we are silent towards them. Shut up their mouths O God. Give them for a reward the curses they have wished upon us, BACK TO SENDER, my adversaries shall wear their curses like clothes and their own curses will enter their bodies like water and their bowels like oil .... For You O Lord are blessing us instead and show them that it is Your doing. Bless me Father, bless my parents, bless my siblings, bless my husband who is coming to find me soon, bless our children, bless my relatives near and far, bless our church family and leadership, In Jesus Name, AMEN.

THE COVENANT KEEPER IS MY HELPER Isaiah 65 and Jeremiah 32:24-28 Here are 5 practices for maintaining Covenant: 1. Go for A Walk with God - Psalm 16:8 2. See God with you on this walk, right beside you - Psalm 91: 14-15 3. Meditate on - Psalm 23 4. Have “Me” Time like Jesus - John 16:33 5. Unplug - Psalm 46:10 Get the full 5 Simples Ways To Refresh Your Spirit #RoseConfessions #RoseLiving #RoseLifeMoments #RoseLifeEnrichmentMoments with #MissJelC and @roselifeenrichment #TheCovenantKeeper #Covenant #Prayer changes #PUSH #PhenomenalWoman Like. Subscribe to my blog. Follow me on this journey on campus and onlline.