Put on "The Garment of Authority”
– John 11:38-44
Individual Confessions & Declarations:
1. O Lord, forgive me of any sins I have committed today and previously that were not confessed that my praise may be complete. Holy Spirit, uproot from me all forms of bitterness, sorrow, regret, and self-condemnation. Baptize me with the power to praise this month, in Jesus Name. Give me the zeal, confidence and the right words to remain in praise this month, in Jesus Name. 2. As I praise God this month, I declare that the earth will yield her increase for me and God will bless me, in Jesus Name. I decree the peace and blessings of God upon this month of March, in Jesus Name. I rebuke every form of distraction projected to sidetrack me from praise this month, in Jesus Name. 3. O soul of mine, Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Him in the heights! Praise Him in the congregation! Praise Him, with all His angels; Praise The Lord at all time, in season and out of season – O soul of mine – Praise The Lord. Scriptural Declaration of Praise:
Credit for these declarations is given to Bob Hostetler, of www.bobhostetler.com, co-author, Don’t Check Your Brains at the Door, and Pastor of Leadership and Teaching for Cobblestone Community Church in Oxford, Ohio. Use these declarations to energize your praise and tools to help you praise God more knowledgeably and purposefully. 1. God the Creator: (Nehemiah 9:6) O God, the Creator, I praise You because You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and their entire host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you. 2. The Only God: (Isaiah 45:5) O LORD, I praise You because you are the LORD God Almighty, and there is no other; apart from you there is no God 3. The Almighty God: (Psalm 89:8) Heavenly Father, You are the Almighty God. There is none like Thee in all the heavens and the earth. Be praised forever and ever, in Jesus Name. 4. The Everlasting Father: (Daniel 7:9) I praise you, Lord, as the Ancient of Days, the Everlasting Father who lives forever and ever. 5. A Loving God: (Romans 8:32) O LORD, You are a LOVING Father. I praise You for Your love over my life, family, and all that concerns me. For You did not spare Your own Son, but gave him up for us all – how will You not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? O LORD, I say, be thou glorified forever and ever, in Jesus Name. 6. A God of Justice: (Romans 3:26) Father, Lord, I praise and magnify You, because You are just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus. I praise You because You are a God of justice. I praise You because You adjudge impartially always. Be thou glorified in Jesus Name. 7. The Trustworthy God: (Deuteronomy 7:9) You keep Your WORD and Thy covenant from generation to generation. You have never disappointed those who put their trust in You. You are Trustworthy, Faithful and reliable. I give you my praise and adoration, LORD, because you are a faithful God, keeping your covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love you and keep Your commands. 8. A Merciful God: (Nehemiah 9:31) Father LORD, You are a gracious and merciful God, and I praise you for Your great mercy towards us every day, in Jesus Name. 9. God my Refuge, my Fortress: (Psalm 62:7) I praise you, LORD, for you are my mighty rock, my refuge, my fortress, my defense, my protector and my Pillar of support. Be glorified, in Jesus Name. 10. A Longsuffering, Persevering God: (2 Peter 3:9) Father, I praise you because you are patient with all your children, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. Thank you for your patience with me. 11. God the Liberator: (Psalm 70:5) I praise you LORD because you are my help and my deliverer, in time of trouble. Thank You for always delivering me, even when I’m not aware. 12. The Lifter of My Head: (Psalm 3:3) Father God, I praise you because you are a shield around me, O Lord; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head when I am weary, anxious or depressed. 13. The God Who Answers Prayer: (Isaiah 65:24) Father I praise and honor you, because you are a God who loves to answer prayer, and who begins to answer even before we begin to pray. I praise You because there is no prayer of mine that You have not answered. Even when I don’t see them physically, I know You are at work to bring all Glory to thy Name. Be though glorified, forever and ever, in Jesus Name. 14. The Provider God: (Psalm 34:10) O LORD, You are my Jehovah-Jireh, who generously provides all I need. I thank You because You have not allowed us to want any good thing or suffer hunger, To You alone be all the glory, in Jesus Name. 15. My Shepherd: (Psalm 23:1–3) O LORD, I bless Your Name and praise you as my Jehovah-Rohi, who always guides me in the paths of righteousness, and in the ways ordained for me. I thank You because by the Holy Spirit You are leading me in Your will, day by day for your Name’s sake, in Jesus Name. Praise God for who He is, as revealed by His names: El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty) El Elyon (The Most High God) Adonai (Lord, Master) Yahweh (Lord, Jehovah) Jehovah Nissi (The Lord My Banner) Jehovah-Raah (The Lord My Shepherd) Jehovah Rapha (The Lord That Heals) Jehovah Shammah (The Lord Is There) Jehovah Tsidkenu (The Lord Our Righteousness) Jehovah Mekoddishkem (The Lord Who Sanctifies You) El Olam (The Everlasting God) Elohim (God) Qanna (Jealous) Jehovah Jireh (The Lord Will Provide) Jehovah Shalom (The Lord Is Peace) Jehovah Sabaoth (The Lord of Hosts)
Corporate Confessions & Declarations:
1. O Lord, forgive us, Your Church (LHMI, Inc), of all the sins committed by our leaders of old who, who did not follow Your Word, did what was right in their own eyes and betrayed our trust. We call upon You El Elyon (The Most High God) tonight and ask that you will have mercy upon us in our 10th year. Blot out the transgressions of those who did evil before us and give us a fresh new beginning this month – March 2018. 2. O Adonai (Master) by Your Holy Spirit, uproot all forms of bitterness, sorrow, regret, strife, reproach, evil, greed and condemnation from among us. Fill Your Church (LHMI) with the power to praise, the power to get wealth, and the power triumph, from this month onwards in Jesus Name. Give Your Church, her leaders, her members, her branches, her affiliates and congregants the zeal, confidence, the right words and correct posture to remain in praise this month, in Jesus Name. 3. As we put on the garment praise God this March, we declare that the earth will yield her increase for us and God will bless us, in our 10th year, in Jesus Name. We decree the peace and blessings of God are upon this month of March, our 10th Anniversary Celebrations and our Church (LHMI), in Jesus Name. We rebuke every form of distraction projected to sidetrack us from praise this month, in Jesus Name. With everything within us, We praise You Lord! 10 Corporate Prayer Points “The Garment of Authority” for March 2018
1. Father, we praise You and thank You for bringing us to our 10th Anniversary month: March 2018, in Jesus Name. 2. O Lord, we thank You for being good to our families, our loved ones, our church (LHMI and branches) and her leadership. You’ve always been with us and not abandoned us. Even in our weakness and sins, Your strength and Love preserved us. Be thou glorified forever, in Jesus Name. 3. We thank You, Lord, for our country (United States of America). Yes, there are many challenges, but You are good to us as a nation. We join with other believers to say thank You for this country, and the nations represented at LHMI, in Jesus Name. 4. Father, in this Month of March, we bring ourselves under the precious blood of Jesus. We receive complete forgiveness of our sins and those of our forefathers; we receive full access to the throne of grace. In Jesus Name, we receive mercy in times of need and claim total protection for ourselves, our parents, our spouses, our children, our homes, our relatives, our friends, our church, our businesses, our branches and our community this month. 5. In this month of March, Lord, we roll away every stone of unbelief, worry and fear. We unclothe ourselves of any garment of sorrow, pain, sickness and confusion. We put on the garment of praise and authority from beginning to end of March. In Jesus Name, we shall continue in praise, we shall exercise our authority in Christ, and our joy shall be complete. 6. Holy Spirit, in this month of March, empower us to stand in our authority in Christ; inspire us to accept and declare our victories and blessings, as revealed in Your Word. Guide our leaders to command and manifest Your plan of total victory and restoration for us in this 10th year, for Your church, in Jesus Name. 7. Today and everyday O Lord, we speak to our health, we speak to our children, youths and young adults, we speak to our finances and harvests, we speak to our homes, we speak to marriages, we speak to jobs, for the members of LHMI; COME BACK TO LIFE in Jesus Name. 8. We plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over our Pastoral Family and leaders at LHMI, our health, our children, youths and young adults, our finances, our homes, our marriages, jobs for the members, and the communities of LHMI. With confidence, we declare that they are all working out for our good from this day forward, in Jesus Name. 9. Abba Father, God, with You, nothing is impossible. We, therefore, pray today, whatever represents Lazarus in our church, in the lives of Your people at LHMI (mention the areas of expectations) come forth in Jesus Name. 10. Just as Jesus died and resurrected, O Lord, in this month of March, we die to sin and resurrect to righteousness. We die to unbelief and resurrect to faith. We die to spiritual weakness and resurrect to spiritual boldness and confidence, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth – the same yesterday, today and forevermore.
March 2018 MidWeek – Prayer Points
prepared by Elder Juanita Cameron at LHMI, Inc. | Beltsville, MD